Our Services
Starts Oct 7
550 Swiss francsLoading availability...
Starts Oct 7
350 Swiss francsLoading availability...
Starts Oct 10
250 Swiss francsLoading availability...
Starts Oct 14
550 Swiss francsLoading availability...
Starts Oct 14
350 Swiss francsLoading availability...
Starts Oct 17
250 Swiss francsLoading availability...
Please read the cancellation policy below before you book. Click 'Book Now' next to the classes you want. Then click on the time of the session and select 'Next' to take you to the booking form and online payment.
Cancellation Policy
If you cancel 1-2 weeks in advance of a session a 8chf materials charge will be requested. If you cancel in the week prior to a course the full amount will be requested.
25% of the course fee will be requested for late cancellations within two weeks of the start of term (the start of term is always the first Monday of the term). Once the term has started the full term fee is payable, this is regardless of missed classes or lack of attendance.
Please let us know asap if you need to cancel. Cancellation over 14 days before the event, a full refund will be given. For cancellations 1-2 weeks prior to the camp day a 50% cancellation fee will be payable. For cancellations in the week prior to the start of the camp day the full fee 100% will be payable and no refund can be given.
*For all classes and camps children are expected to treat other children kindly and the studio with respect. There will be no refunds for children who are asked to leave sessions due to inappropriate behaviour.*